Rijkswaterstaat goal is improving textiles recovery and developing a policy program together with NVRD. The NVRD unites the Dutch municipalities and their public companies responsible for waste management and the management of public spaces. The NVRD supports them in achieving their objectives and brings professionals together, see www.nvrd.nl With optimum waste separation to high-quality recycling. This is the new, sharper focus of the VANG-HHA implementation program 2021 – 2025. To achieve even better recycling, the program has two priorities: 1. to continue to focus on better separation of residual waste; 2. to improve the quality of the collected partial flows. In addition, the program also looks at possibilities to limit the amount of waste by focusing on prevention where possible.
What can you expect from the VANG-HHA program in the coming period?
- General knowledge and support will be offered, aimed at integrated waste collection strategies and systems, communication and influencing behavior.
- A prevention front-runner group has been set up in which municipalities share tips and tricks on how to prevent household waste. Together with this pioneer group, and to support all municipalities, a menu for waste prevention is being drawn up so that municipalities can start working on prevention at different levels
- In order to ensure that the services and products of the renewed VANG program are as closely aligned as possible with the VANG ambitions and the wishes and needs of the municipalities, an information survey is being carried out to question the municipalities about the desired support in the coming years. You can expect the information survey in June.
- Meanwhile, a VANG Academy is being set up. In accordance with a set format, it will support municipalities in improving the quality of separately collected waste streams. The educational program for textiles will be launched and other streams will follow.