In a Circular Economy the aim is to create less waste by making the most out of every possible material and fabric involved in the production process. Recovered scraps of fabrics are upcyled from the industrial production, without requiring additional consumption, by the company Imbotex. The whole process is mechanical and does not involve any kind of chemical. It is also less impactful in terms of energy consumption, waste production, water usage, CO2 emissions. The treatment they do in order to make the paddings washable is eco-friendly too and chlorine free. CAMELUXE® and LUXEPAD® are a new frontier for an ecologically responsible fashion, giving new purpose to otherwise discarded precious materials.

Upcycled & Recycled
This project is carried forward under the aegis of the Global Recycling Standard, a certification promoted by Textile Exchange, an established non-profit institution, which for over 15 years has been supporting responsible and sustainable product development in the textile industry.
After being applied in garments, all our insulations can be recycled again acquiring new life and maintaining all their properties and characteristics.

Novel, Validated
Sustainability, Circularity