During the ClusterXchange in the Netherlands, it took place a presentation from the TexPlus Foundation, a cooperation between 6 frontrunners (Twente Milieu, Saxcell, Saxion, Enschede Textielstad, Frankenhuis and Regionaal Textielsorteercentrum Twente) in the field of circular textiles. From collection to processing and manufacturing of end products; the entire value chain is represented in the foundation. The objective of the TexPlus Foundation is to connect the value chain from collection to reuse. This is done by stimulating the reuse of textile products and using innovative techniques to recycle nonreusable textile products to the highest possible quality, actively involving the market in the development and application of recycled textile materials.

The foundation’s idea is to promote common projects among all the foundation’s partners to generate a circular textile economy. Notably, it is a public-private partnership foundation.
The 6 members of TexPlus are:
- Twente Milieu (public sector): focuses on textile collection.
- Saxion (knowledge institute): is a very important European player in the field of textile education.
- Regional Textile Sorting Center Twente (private sector): the Regionaal Textielsortecentrum Twente sorts the textiles that are brought in by Twente Milieu.
- Frankenhuis (private partner): is an innovative partner which develops new applications for processed textile waste.
- SaXcell (private partner): is engaged in the chemical recycling of cotton waste.
- Enschede Textielstad Innovation B.V (private partner): focuses on the production of fabrics with recycled yarns as the main raw material.